Ivory Ella partners up with micro-influencers






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Ivory Ella approached its agency, BVAccel, with the task of launching and growing a brand-new partner marketing programme. It was excited about partner marketing’s ability to reach untapped markets, and encouraged by the low entry barriers to getting started. The programme goals were to tap into new audiences, leverage existing social influencers more efficiently, and create relationships with other strong partners in time for Q4.

What was the role of digital in the media mix?

BVAccel immediately set Ivory Ella up on Radius, a marketing platform designed for targeting small businesses, bringing its existing micro-influencers onto the programme and joining the Marketplace to find new partners. Using Radius’ robust promocode tracking, Ivory Ella were able to scale rapidly, easily tracking and attributing sales to each partner, even when not using tracking links. In addition, the team began grouping partners together and managing each partner segment differently to take advantage of the unique way each partner segment added value to the programme.

Key statistics

YoY Revenue Increase
Return on ad spend

What results did you attain? What was the biggest achievement?

By the end of its first full year on Radius, Ivory Ella saw 11% of its total revenue coming through the partner marketing channel, and it received a 19x return on ad spend (ROAS). And after setting a strong baseline in the first year, the BVAccel team doubled down on their Q4 revenue mandate, increasing year-on-year Q4 revenue by 55% and generating 17% of all revenue through the partner programme.

  • 11% of revenue driven by partner programme
  • +56% YoY revenue in Q4
  • 19x partner programme return on advertising spend 

In a sentence…

Ivory Ella partners with micro-influencers to engage new audiences

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