Jargon Buster


The fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology, succeeding 3G. Caters for increased mobile data demands, and high consumption usage for streaming and uploading video.


5G is the fifth-generation technology standard for cellular networks, which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide in 2019, and is the successor to 4G technology that provides connectivity to most current mobile phones.

Ad Asset Type

The creative asset that may be served in a given ad context.


Ad blocking

Ad blocking is the use of apps, browsers, or networks to filter advertising components from being rendered on a consumer’s device. This could include display advertising, tracking pixels or anything that can be predefined and included on a reference black-list. Ad blocking can impact a publisher’s ability to provide free or subsidised content or services.

Ad exchanges

Online, often highly automated auction-based marketplaces that facilitate the buying and selling of inventory across multiple parties ranging from advertisers, direct publishers, ad networks and Demand Side Platforms (DSP). 

Ad impression

A metric expressing each time an ad is served and displayed, whether it is seen or not, whether it is clicked on or not. 

Ad inventory

The amount and types of ad space a publisher has available for an advertiser to buy. 

Ad optimisation

A means of improving campaign performance through automated and semi-automated means, usually through a systematic approach. Ad optimisation often focuses on cost (especially prices in automated bidding), targeting or creative, gleaning performance improvements through testing.  

Ad podding / ad pod bidding

Ad pod bidding is a way of auctioning inventory that allows publishers to expose an entire ad pod in a bid request. As a result, marketers get more transparency, and also reduce QPS. They can bid on one or multiple ad slots within each pod. For publishers, this helps maximise revenue and fill rate. Publishers can accept different ad slot sizes to maximise the full ad pod.

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