Tug and Google Grants help Arthritis Research UK attract new donors







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Founded in 1942, Arthritis Research UK is the only UK charity giving hands-on, practical help to combat the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle advice. It offers people with arthritis a holistic self-management approach, looking at both the physical and mental aspects of arthritis.

Tug worked with Arthritis Research UK and introduced the team to Google AdWords grants, which are available to non-profit organisations. This led to Arthritis Research UK applying for a Google Grant and being awarded $10,000 per month to use on AdWords advertising.

What was the role of digital in the media mix?

Extensive keyword mining was undertaken by Tug to ensure that Arthritis Research UK ads appeared in all relevant searches. A comprehensive account structure was created to ensure the best possible quality score, the best use of budgets, as well as ensuring that every pay-per-click ad served is 100% relevant to the search term used.

Regular ad testing is carried out to ensure the highest possible click-through-rate (CTR). All PPC is integrated to complement Arthritis Research UK's search engine optimisation and social media strategies. The campaign is optimised daily for multiple conversions within tight Google regulations, allowing no bid to be over $1.

Key statistics

New visitors

What results did you attain? What was the biggest achievement?

  • Monthly PPC generates on average, 25,000 new visitors, 30 registrations, 15 story captures and multiple donations

  • Extensive optimisation has given the campaign a click through rate of over 4%

  • The AdWords Grant has now been extended from $10,000 to $40,000 per month

In a sentence…

Tug and Google Grants help Arthritis Research UK attract new donors

Find out more

Find out more about Arthritis Research and their campaign here.

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