Lucid Impact Measurement

Lucid, a Cint Group Company






Audio, CTV, Desktop web, Mobile app, Mobile web

Impact Measurement is an always-on attitudinal media measurement solution that measures brand lift of your cross-platform advertising campaigns. We survey consumers after they are exposed to your ad campaign, helping you determine success.

Our global platform delivers proprietary brand lift metrics and daily survey results in a real-time dashboard, so you can measure brand campaign success and optimise performance in flight. How it works:

  • Easy implementation: Implement our powerful tracking pixel or other appropriate tracking mechanisms into your creative
  • Immediate responses: We match your ad impressions with available respondents in seconds to seamlessly survey those exposed to your campaign
  • Gauge audience perceptions: Ask consumers who have seen your ads questions about brand awareness, message association, purchase intent, or any vital KPI to your business
  • Informed business decisions: Use survey daily results to make impactful business decisions and craft more effective media strategies in real-time

Contact: Simon Beedell, Vice President, Measurement, EMEA

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