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Environmental Sustainability FAQs

With this tool, you can view and compare credentials of companies who are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the advertising industry. Understand the steps they are taking to measure and reduce their emissions, their energy use, the policies they have in place to reduce their carbon footprint and to engage and educate their teams, and what they have set out to achieve in the future.

If you are an IAB member and would like to be involved, please get in touch at [email protected]


Encore Digital Media

20/23 questions answered

Section 1 - About your company

Company name

Encore Digital Media Copy answer

Number of UK employees

10-49 Copy answer

Number of global employees

0-249 Copy answer

Company type

Media Agency Copy answer

Person accountable for environmental sustainability

Abigale Borsberry Copy answer

Section 2 – Your company’s energy usage

Category of emissions measured eg: scope 1,2,3

Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 Copy answer

Reduction strategies in place for energy use

Conserving energy, water, wood, paper and other resources, particularly those which are scarce or non-renewable, while still providing a safe and comfortable working environment.
Reducing waste through re-use and recycling and by using refurbished and recycled products and materials where such alternatives are economical and suitable.
Reducing and measuring the impact of a reduction in travel both domestically and Internationally.
When making any purchasing decision, prioritising those products that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products that serve the same purpose. Copy answer

Environmental sustainability policies, schemes or initiatives in place

Business travel, Everyday recycling, Tech recycling, Single use plastics, Travel to work, Website hosting, Working from home Copy answer

Percentage of energy usage from renewable sources

81% - 90% (UK only) Copy answer

Can you verify your answer about renewable energy percentage by linking to a publicly available document?

- Copy answer

Carbon offsetting scheme used

We have ring-fenced a carbon offsetting budget again in FY24 (as we did in FY23). We will be investing this money with a carbon removal company. We are currently in late-stage discussion with two – Climate Vault and Cur8, a decision for which will be made by year end.
The offsetting budget in FY23 has been put towards covering part of our LED lighting implementation work at our Head Office at 60 Great Portland St, London. Copy answer

Amount of CO2E offset in 2022?

- Copy answer

Environmental sustainability questions included in procurement activities

Yes Copy answer

Company's environmental sustainability objectives

Use our business as a force for good by delivering sustainable growth for our clients. Our objectives are to play our part in the low-carbon transition by reducing our carbon emissions in line with a 1.5C pathway and supporting our clients to play their part in the low-carbon transition. FY23 target to reduce emissions by 12.6% per FTE from our FY20 baseline and have achieved a 14% decrease partly as a result of our post-Covid-19 hybrid working model. On our path to net zero by 2050, by FY30 we will aim to reduce our tCO2e per FTE emissions by 34%. Copy answer

Section 3 - Industry initiatives

Industry certifications or initiatives

IAB UK Group, Science Based Targets, Eco Vadis, ISO14001, CDP Disclosure Copy answer

Training or engagement programmes for employees

EMS/ISO 14001 training ahead of embarking on implementation of an EMS in all offices.

#ChangeTheBrief Training – Creatives, planners and account managers all have a role to play in creating work that promotes sustainable lifestyles. They should understand why we need to change the brief, how to bring in stakeholders and have access to expert knowledge and creative stimulus on the behaviour and culture change that will make agencies and clients future-fit.

Green 15 global green team focused on running a programme of communications and initiatives for employees to engage with throughout the year. Having just finished our Sustainable Fashion September initiative which also involved a Swap Shop in our London & New York offices, we’re now preparing for Recycle Week in October.

LearnAmp internal training academy which is where we share/disseminate our Sustainability Policies (Environment, Travel & Expenses, Ethics Group & Scorecard and Carbon Tracking & Targets) AND also where employees can access training related to B Corp (understanding what is is), Environmental Management Systems and more.

Speaker events – in May this year we hosted a speaker event with Paddy Loughman. Copy answer