Jargon Buster

Ad pods

Connected TV

Ad pods are groups of ads played back-to-back, like a commercial break on TV.


Ad recall

The estimated number of people likely to remember your ads within days of being exposed.

Ad rotation

The ability to show multiple ads in a single location, varying the treatment displayed on each new page load and/or within a single page load. Ads are generally rotated to either avoid consumer wear-out or as a part of ad optimisation and testing. 

Ad server

An ad server is a web server dedicated to the delivery of advertisements. This specialisation enables the tracking and management of advertising related metrics.


Ad slots

Connected TV

An ad slot is an individual ad that plays within an ad pod. There can be multiple ad slots in each ad pod.


Ad spot length

Amount of time representing the segment of the loop containing ad content.


Ad tracking

The method for recording campaign delivery metrics between adservers. Third party adserving tags or 1x1 tracking pixels are commonly used to track this data.

Ad-supported VOD (AVOD)

Connected TV

A video content service that is funded by advertising. This includes video services that are free to the user and hybrid solutions, which offer a subscription fee as well as showing ads. Broadcaster VOD services (e.g. ITV Hub) that are funded by advertising are included in this, but also YouTube, PlutoTV, etc. By using ad revenue, publishers can give viewers access to content for free or at a reduced rate.


A piece of software that can be overlaid within a browser, app environment or operating system by consumers which will filter out requests for advertising to appear within certain digital environments. Some adblockers will also block data calls used for tracking purposes or basic user functionality where a data exchange is necessary such as flight booking systems.

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