Jargon Buster

Contextual targeting

Contextual Targeting

Contextual targeting is when an ad is targeted based purely on the subject and environment of the content (including but not limited to text, audio, video or images). It is not based on any characteristics of the user and therefore does not rely on any personally identifiable information (PII).


A trend in which different hardware devices such as televisions, computers and telephones merge and have similar functions.

Conversion rate

A measure of success, or metric, of an online ad when compared to the click-through rate. What defines a ‘conversion’ depends on the marketing objective. It can be defined as a sale or request to receive more information. Ten 'click-throughs' might provide one conversion, for example.

Conversion window


Number of days after exposure where a vendor will attribute visits to a campaign. This can vary by business and category.



A descriptor encompassing a user who is browsing online converting to a paying user, or a user that performs an action of some sort.


Contextual Targeting

When the technology or service does not have any reliance on a web browser’s cookie functionality.


Cost per ratings point (cpp)


The cost of one rating point in any geographically defined market.


Cost per thousand (cpm)

The cost (price) to deliver 1,000 ad impressions on displays in a market.


Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)

Refers to the overall costs associated with acquiring one user. This can be calculated by dividing total marketing costs by total number of new users.


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