Jargon Buster

Double opt-in

A double opt-in requires the user to opt-in twice to a particular line service, prior to the service provider engaging with the user. 

Dwell time

The amount of a time a user spends on a piece of content on a website. This could include reading an article, watching a video or looking at advertising.

Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)

A technology that allows for ads to be inserted into content in real-time. This enables more targeted and relevant ads to be served based on user data.

Dynamic ad insertion (DAI)

Connected TV

Campaign optimisation technology that allows advertisers to dynamically change ads within VOD content, i.e. swap the ad creative shown, making it possible to target specific viewers rather than serving the same ad to each viewer. Can sometimes be referred to as SSAI, or server-side ad insertion.


Dynamic content


The process of building responsive creative to deliver contextually-relevant messages driven by the smart use of data across DOOH.

Dynamic creative optimisation

Dynamic creative optimisation is a type of automated creative generation where the elements that make up a creative such as the fonts, colours, photographic elements and messaging can be changed within the frame of the creative through constant A/B testing to determine what the optimal combination is.

EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance)

The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) is the European body for national self-regulatory organisations (such as the ASA) and industry associations. It promotes responsible advertising in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation.


Embedded format

Advertising units that are displayed in set spaces on a publisher’s page. See also banners, skyscrapers, button.


Environment describes the format of the content that the ad is appearing against, e.g. video, text, podcast, in-app.


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