Jargon Buster

European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA)

The EDAA administers the EU self-regulatory programme aimed at providing internet users with greater transparency and control over behaviourally targeted advertising. The EDAA Board is made up of advertising trade bodies, including the IAB. The IAB currently chairs the EDAA Board.


Expandable ads

Online advertising formats that appear on users' screens on top of web content (and sometimes before a web page appears) and frustrate the user experience. It is recommended that expansion be user initiated and have clearly marked close buttons and controls.

Expanded dimensions

The secondary dimensions of an expanding ad unit (after the ad is expanded). Initial dimensions are fit to the dimensions of the placement. Then, either by auto-play or by user interaction, the ad unit expands to its secondary dimension.

Extended Reality (XR)


Can be utilised as an umbrella term that encompasses any type of immersive content (i.e. virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, 3D, etc.).


Eye tracking


A technique that tracks where a user’s eyes are looking. Eye tracking allows developers to optimize the performance of AR/VR experiences by focusing system resources on where the user is looking. Understanding eye movements could also help mitigate motion sickness during VR experiences.

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

The FCA regulates the financial services industry in the UK. Included n the FCA's remit is regulation of financial product marketing. The FCA have produced guidance on financial promotions in general, and also on social media. The guidance covers character limitations, the use of images, non-intended recipients and consumers forwarding or sharing communications. 

First-party data sets

Data acquired by an organisation as a result of an individual's interaction with the organisation either online on their website or mobile app or connected device or offline in their physical locations or by mail or phone.



The physical housing of an advertising display. A frame may show a single static image, a series of images with a scrolling mechanism, or it may have a digital screen capable of exhibiting many individual adverts. Each separate advertising image is called a FACE.

Free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST)

Connected TV

Sometimes called FAST channels, these allow viewers to stream live TV without paying for a subscription.



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