Jargon Buster


Any advertising that appears before requested content has loaded, blocking the consumer from progressing until either a countdown has elapsed or the duration of an ad experience has been achieved. These are currently discouraged for desktop web and mobile web experiences due to consumer feedback.

Primary ad unit


Refers to the dominant area of advertising displayed on the screen. The Primary Ad unit should be described as either Full screen or Partial screen.


The buying and selling of online ad inventory through automated methods rather than human actions. This includes but is not limited to Real-Time Bidding (RTB).

Programmatic supply path optimisation for carbon reduction


This process involves optimising the programmatic supply chain to reduce carbon emissions. For example, a media owner might reduce the number of programmatic partners it uses by focusing on those that deliver impressions and revenue, cutting those that don’t deliver impressions but that still generate carbon through ad calls.



Programmatic TV

Connected TV

An automated approach to buying and delivering audience-based TV advertising through a software platform.


Progressive load video

A distribution method for serving video files in which the video file downloads over time into the cache of a user’s computer, much the same way images and other content elements are downloaded.



A web property providing content for consumers.  Business models range from subscription services to advertising monetisation.  

Purpose limitation

Purpose limitation is a way to constrain a task or an operation within a very specific outcome or use

Query string formation

A query string is the set of words entered into a search engine by an individual. Query string formation is simply the process of thinking of the correct query string to get the results required.


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