Jargon Buster


Any audience reflecting the most desired consumer prospects for a product or service, defined by age, sex, race, ethnicity or income; or their combinations for any geographic definition. Expanded targets include purchasing, behavioural, and audience segmentations.

Target audience

A specific group that an advertiser seeks to reach with its campaign. Target audience is defined by a certain attribute or set of attributes (e.g. Women aged 18-24, Sports Car Lovers, Shoppers In-market for a New car).


Various criteria to make the delivery of an advertisement more precise (age, geographical location or behavioural cues etc.)

Text ad

A static appended text attached to an advertisement.

Third party

A party to an interaction that has no direct relationship with the individual involved.

Third-party ad serving

The technology used to deliver creative assets from one adserver into another, allowing advertisers to track the performance of the campaigns and record impressions and clicks amongst other campaign metrics.




Route has divided the whole country into more than 1,600 areas. These are often actual towns, but in rural areas there may in fact be more than one small town in the area. The purpose is to split the country into logical and manageable chunks. The 1,600 areas cover 100% of the country with no gaps.


The ability to assess the performance of an ad campaign.

Tracking pixel

A 1x1 pixel-sized transparent image that provides information about an ad's placement. In many cases, a tracking pixel is used to notify an ad tracking system that either an ad has been served (or not served, in some cases) or that a specific webpage has been accessed. Also known as: beacon, web beacon, action tag, redirect, etc.

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