Jargon Buster

Creator reach


The measure of a content creator’s audience size


Creator tiers


The system used to categorise creators in terms of their following - nano (1k+), micro (10k+), mid (50k+), macro (500k+), top (1m+), VIP (5m+)

Creator types


The sectors, platforms, or aesthetic style of a creator i.e. “they are a travel-focused YouTube short creator”


Cross-device tracking

Cross-device tracking refers to technology which enables tracking of users across multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and personal computers. Advertisers use this technology to understand the cumulative effect of their marketing activity across multiple different digital touchpoints.


A table that maps identifiers from one identity space to another. For example from Liveramp RAMPID to Experian LUID.

Customer profiling

Using data to find out a customer’s specific interests and characteristics which could be used for future targeting. 

Customer relationship management (CRM)

Customer relationship management is a technology or software used to manage the relationships and interactions that a company has with its customers. 




D.E.A.L. is a recommended approach for publishers to connect with ad blocking consumers through a step-by-step process implemented by the IAB:

  • Detect ad blocking, in order to initiate a conversation
  • Explain the value exchange that advertising enables
  • Ask for changed behaviour in order to maintain an equitable exchange
  • Lift restrictions or Limit access in response to consumer choice.

Data exchanges

Online auction marketplace where advertisers acquire 3rd party data that helps them better reach their target audiences with display. Data exchanges were created as marketplaces where online data providers could sell their data directly to demand-side platforms (DSPs) and ad networks. Used by ad networks and DSPs. 

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