Jargon Buster

Hard bounces

Notifications that an email has not being delivered to the intended recipient which are generated as a result of messages being sent to invalid, closed or nonexistent email accounts

Header bidding

Header bidding is a process that gives marketers a first-look at inventory that publishers would normally hold back for direct bookings. If the publisher can make a better price selling an impression programmatically, then their ad server will make this decision automatically, rather than fulfilling direct bookings first.

Header bidding wrapper

A header bidding wrapper or 'container' is a management system used by a publisher to collect bid responses from multiple demand partners in one place. This technology layer allows publishers to more easily manage their partners and to set header bidding standards such as latency.


A single request from a web browser for a single item from a web server.

Holding company

A parent company that owns other companies' stocks. Examples include Omnicom, WPP, Interpublic and Publicis Groupe, that each control a large number of different operating agencies across the globe.

Hot spot

A hot spot is an area of an ad unit which triggers an event (e.g. expand the ad) when a user rolls-over a particular area of, or the whole, ad unit with their cursor. 


HyperText Markup Language, the set of commands used by web browsers to interpret and display page content to users.


HTML5 is the new rendition of HTML (hypertext markup language) and includes features like video playback and drag-and-drop functionality.

Hybrid broadcast broadband TV (HbbTV)

Connected TV

HbbTV is an international consortium and standard aimed at combining the broadcast and broadband delivery of interactive entertainment services to consumers. In practical terms, this means that you can get both standard broadcast FTA (free-to-air) TV and IPTV (internet delivered) TV services all in one place. This standard is integrated into all European TV sets. Interactive services include for instance call-to-action or gaming functionalities, or enable addressability through overlay or interactive banners on the TV set.


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