Jargon Buster

Location information

Information that enables a mobile marketer to identify the specific location of a particular wireless device.



An advertisement or service through which an advertiser’s bricks and mortar location can be identified based on proximity of the consumer or their preferred location.

Machine Learning

A mechanism and technology by which a computer can be trained to use existing data and learn how to perform a specific task

Media Smart

Media Smart is the advertising industry’s media literacy programme providing free information and resources to help teach children and young people about advertising. The IAB is a supporting member.


A somewhat loose term which is generally used to refer to the generation born from c. 1980 until the mid-2000's (and sometimes onwards), who grew up in a world of digital technology and mass media. 

MMS message

A message sent via a Multimedia Messaging Service that contains multimedia objects.

Mobile advertising

Any form of advertising that is communicated to the consumer / target via a mobile device. 

Mobile messaging programming

Multiple mobile messages, usually delivered as part of a coordinated campaign.


Mobility data

Contextual Targeting

Datasets that understand how your audience moves between postcode districts throughout the day.


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