Jargon Buster

Open rate

The number of HTML message recipients who opened your email, usually as a percentage of the total number of emails sent.


The process where a subscriber provides explicit consent, after receiving notice form the mobile marketer.


The process where a subscriber revokes consent, after receiving notice from the mobile marketer.


Process of refining an advertising campaign so that it will perform more effectively i.e. extending reach, increasing response rate or creating more awareness.

Organic search results

The ‘natural’ search results that appear in a separate section (usually the main body of the page) to the paid listings. The results listed here have not been paid for and are ranked by the search engine (using spiders or algorithms) according to relevancy to the term searched upon.

Out-stream impressions

Out-stream impressions are video ad units unaccompanied by content. While a pre-roll or mid-roll ad requires a publisher’s video to wrap around, an out-stream ad is a video ad unit not tied to any piece of publisher video content.

Over the Top (OTT)

The ability to access premium content through any device with the ability to connect to the Internet. OTT is often marketed as TV Anywhere / TV Everywhere and offers subscribers the ability to watch programming on any device they own.

Over-the-top (OTT)

Connected TV

Over-the-top media service encompasses all linear TV or video-on-demand (VOD), including advertising supported video-on-demand (AVOD), broadcaster video-on-demand (BVOD), and streaming content providers (such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, PlutoTV, etc.). These content providers distribute directly to viewers via the internet - bypassing the cable, broadcast or satellite platforms. OTT includes all devices (mobile, desktop, consoles) and environments (apps, web) and is not exclusive to connected TV (CTV).

Page view

A unit of measurement that tracks the number of times a user loads a particular page.

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