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Amplify: Planning for attention


Ad Tech Attention Effectiveness
Ad Tech Attention Effectiveness Gaming Measurement Video

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High Impact formats boost both their own performance and that of standard formats. Amplify 2.0 proves how smarter ad placement drives greater impact without extra spend by Dom Tillson, Azerion

How to make campaigns more effective without spending more money:

High Impact formats work harder than standard formats - but they also make standard formats work harder.

Back in 2018, Viewability was the metric du jour and Lumen Research and Inskin were pushing the boundaries of the attention economy and looking at the priming effects of Inskin’s high impact formats on cheaper, standard impressions.

We showed that skin primed MPUs were 27% more likely to be looked at, looked at for 39% longer, and 140% more likely to have an impact

Moving on several years (And rekindling the project with our friends at Lumen), Azerion developed Amplify 2.0 as the natural progression to Amplify. 

We have leveraged improved attention measurement capabilities, industry traction and understanding around the attention topic, and a more powerful portfolio of advertising formats to showcase the amplification effect across our full funnel brand performance solutions.

Azerion’s growth has expanded its ad tech platforms capabilities and created an opportunity to showcase the effectiveness of omnichannel capabilities grounded on the initial insights of its Amplify study (2018).

This research study was undertaken by Lumen Research for Azerion and was conducted with the aim of understanding the following:

  1. What is the amplification effect on visual engagement to multiple ad units over time?
  2. How does the order of formats (i.e., skin then gaming, MPU then gaming) influence this amplification effect?
  3. How much attention did each format across each brand

Testing 3 formats from 3 different brands / verticals, we looked to show the impact on attention paid to different scenarios to help understand how formats can amplify performance in an omnichannel campaign strategy.

We backed this human attention approach with some AI powered predictive modelling using our own performance data to develop a complementary bottom-of-funnel up approach.

Building on the award winning success of Amplify 1.0, Azerion has shown again with Amplify 2.0 that high impact formats deliver a significant amplification effect, driving 43% more attention to subsequent standard formats, compared to a non-primed version.

We’ve also backed this up from an AI powered predictive modelling perspective that indicates even small increases on top of funnel branding can drive up to a 20% reduction in performance CPAs.

In these changing societal and economic times, delivering independent measurement, transparency and outcomes on advertising campaigns is key to long term and sustainable success in the advertising industry.


By Dom Tillson, Marketing Director


Founded in 2014, Azerion (EURONEXT: AZRN) is one of Europe’s largest digital advertising and
entertainment media platforms. Azerion brings global scaled audiences to advertisers in an easy and
cost-effective way, delivered through their proprietary technology, in a safe, engaging, and high-
quality environment, utilizing our strategic portfolio of owned and operated content with entertainment
and other digital publishing partners.

Having its roots in Europe with its headquarters in Amsterdam, Azerion has commercial teams based
in over 23 cities around the world to closely support our clients and partners to find and execute
creative ways to really make an impact through advertising.

For more information visit:


Posted on: Tuesday 11 February 2025

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