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The Future of CTV Advertising in Europe


Connected TV Market Overview
Connected TV Market Overview

This content was created by an IAB UK member

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PubMatic and VideoWeek Research gauge the industry’s outlook for programmatic CTV advertising across the EMEA region

The European Connected TV (CTV) advertising market is gaining traction, but there has been a shortage of quality research on how various stakeholders perceive the opportunities and the challenges ahead.

PubMatic commissioned a new research from VideoWeek Research to gauge the industry’s outlook for programmatic CTV advertising across the EMEA region, with a view to informing the market about the key market drivers and inhibitors. ​

Here’s a sample of the findings from the study:

  • Broadcasters are hesitant to adopt a ‘CTV first’ mentality, with some still framing CTV as a digital ‘bolt-on’ to traditional linear broadcasting, rather than the future of TV advertising. This psychological hurdle is in some cases preventing the necessary investment in CTV apps and capabilities

  • A two-speed Europe is emerging, as large global players with unified content, technology and data infrastructure are moving much faster than smaller, local rivals. While smaller players are making progress, there are still significant hurdles in restructuring markets and incentives for a CTV-first world

  • Both buyers and sellers say data is key. Buy-side players across Europe are aligned in wanting to be able to bring their own data into targeted CTV buys. But sellers in some markets have been slow to roll out CTV data capabilities, with some citing concerns about loss of control over their inventory, and the need to protect the viewer experience

  • Programmatic development is staggered throughout Europe, with the UK market leading the way as the only ‘advanced’ market. Programmatic maturity in Germany and France is rated as ‘intermediate’, while development in Spain, Italy and Sweden is still ‘nascent’

For more insight into this growing market, download the research by VideoWeek and PubMatic here.

Download3.74 MB



PubMatic delivers superior revenue to publishers by being the sell-side platform of choice for agencies and advertisers. The PubMatic platform empowers independent app developers and publishers to maximize their digital advertising monetization while enabling advertisers to increase ROI by reaching and engaging their target audiences in brand-safe, premium environments across ad formats and devices. Since 2006, PubMatic has created an efficient, global infrastructure and remains at the forefront of programmatic innovation. Headquartered in Redwood City, California, PubMatic operates 14 offices and nine data centers worldwide.

Posted on: Monday 1 February 2021