UKOM's ‘Closer Look’ chart focuses on ‘profiling’ and shows that social media brands are more likely to have an audience influenced by a celebrity
UKOM's ‘Closer Look’ charts showcase the different analysis and reporting capabilities of the Ipsos iris data and interface. This chart focuses on ‘profiling’ and illustrates how brands can use one or many of over 400 variables available within Ipsos iris to understand how their audience compares with competitors.
The chart shared here plots how a selection of online media brands compare on two different variables:
1) the % of audience aged 15-24 (x-axis) and
2) the % of the audience who agree that ‘celebrities influence my product purchases’ (y-axis).
The results make interesting reading. Key findings include:
- Social media brands are more likely to have an audience influenced by celebrities
- Brands with the highest % agreeing they are influenced by celebrity also have a high % of 15-24s
Posted on: Monday 14 November 2022