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Why mobile gaming unifies all types of game players



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Mobile gaming unites all demographics, offering brands a vast, engaged audience for targeted advertising, explains Activision Blizzard Media's Melinda Spence

In the increasingly diverse world of gaming, reaching unique, valuable audience segments offers a significant opportunity for brands and advertisers. However, there's only one platform that stands as a unifying force across all gamer demographics - mobile.

A universal phenomenon

Mobile gaming has emerged as a universal phenomenon, transcending boundaries of age, gender, and self-identification as “gamers.” It's this universal appeal that has made mobile gaming a dominant force in the gaming industry, and an invaluable platform for brands and advertisers looking to engage with nuanced and attentive audiences - so much so that 73% of all players already think of mobile games as high-quality.

Regardless of whether players engage across multiple platforms or predominantly on mobile devices, almost all gamer segments share a common engagement with mobile gaming. According to new research conducted by Activision Blizzard Media, The Many Ways We Play: A New View of Game Players, it was discovered that 50-60% of six distinct player segments engage in mobile gaming every day. This widespread engagement underscores the universal nature of mobile gaming and the vast opportunity for advertisers within.

The ubiquity & accessibility of mobile gaming

Mobile gaming's appeal stems from its ubiquity and accessibility. Thanks to the widespread availability of smartphones, mobile gaming reaches a broad audience, including those who may not typically engage with traditional gaming platforms. This accessibility makes mobile gaming a strategic channel for campaigns targeting a broader and more mature audience, as many mobile-centric players also engage with traditional media such as live TV and radio.

The mobile platform boasts a diverse array of games, catering to various preferences and skill levels - from casual puzzle games to complex multiplayer role-playing games. This wide range ensures there is a mobile game for every interest and commitment level, enhancing the channel's universal appeal.

Ultimately, mobile gaming provides a dynamic and scalable channel for targeted advertising campaigns. By leveraging its universal appeal and broad accessibility, mobile gaming delivers personalised marketing experiences to a global audience.

The social connection of mobile gaming

Another aspect of mobile gaming that resonates with all types of players is its potential for social connection. Many mobile games incorporate social features, such as multiplayer modes, in-game chats, and leaderboards, enabling players to connect with others, compete, or cooperate towards common goals. Even for those who prefer solitary play, the sense of being part of a larger gaming community can enhance the gaming experience.

The integration of social features within mobile gaming offers advertisers a dynamic platform to connect with audiences in a meaningful way, enhancing brand visibility and impact through community-driven engagement.

Mobile gaming as a common denominator

Mobile gaming stands as a unifying force in a diverse gaming landscape. Its universal appeal, facilitated by its accessibility, variety, and social connection potential, makes it a shared interest across all gamer segments. For brands and advertisers, understanding and leveraging the unifying appeal of mobile gaming offers a powerful way to connect with a wide and varied audience in the gaming landscape. As the world of gaming continues to evolve, so too should our approach to understanding and engaging its players. Embracing the universality of mobile gaming is a key step towards this goal.

By Melinda Spence, Head of Global Advertising Insights

Activision Blizzard Media

Activision Blizzard Media Ltd is the gateway for brands to the leading interactive entertainment company with hundreds of millions of monthly active users around the world. Our legendary portfolio includes iconic mobile game franchises such as Candy Crush™, esports like the Call of Duty League™, the Overwatch League™ and some of the top PC and console gaming franchises such as Call of Duty®, World of Warcraft®, and StarCraft®. The idea is simple: great game experiences offer great marketing experiences. Learn more at

Posted on: Friday 17 May 2024