Our birds and wildlife are increasingly vulnerable in a rapidly-changing world. Together, we will create bigger, better, more joined-up spaces for nature to save our wildlife, and our shared home.
Reserves are at the heart of what we do. They're vital to our conservation work and priceless spaces for everyone to get close to nature.
We believe they work best when they connect with wild spaces and habitats in the wider landscape. That's why we'll be working to make bigger, better, more joined up homes.
Thanks to your support, we own 55 per cent of the land we manage and 45 per cent is managed in partnership with others. We aim to dramatically increase the land we own and manage over the next 15 years - our ambition is to double our land-holding by 2030.
By 2025 we will have helped to improve the wildlife value of at least 10 per cent of the seas around the UK and its overseas territories.
By 2025 we want to ensure at least 20 per cent of UK land is well managed for nature, by ensuring no loss of protected areas and by offering inspiration and advice to improve the management of around 5,000 square kilometres owned by others.