Facebook launches new ad policy

Facebook's new ad policy makes it easier for brands to monetise their content.

Last week Facebook announced changes to its ad policies, which means that verified pages can now share branded content on the platform.

It's thought that this will make it easier for brands and publishers to monetise their content shared on the social network.

Previously, publishers weren't able to run branded content on Facebook unless they received approval directly from the platform. However, branded content that specifically mentions or features a third party product, brand, or sponsor will now be allowed.

In addition, a tool will now be made available to make it easy to tag the sponsor of content, which will be a requirement to run a branded post.

In a post announcing the change, Facebook stated: "People will now be connected to more of the content they care most about on Facebook as publishers and influencers gain an incentive to share more quality content - of all kinds - with their fans."

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