Introducing The Sustainability Playbook by IAB Tech Lab

Posted on Tuesday 13 June 2023 | IAB UK

IAB Tech Lab has developed an actionable playbook outlining sustainable media best practice in programmatic advertising

Created by IAB Tech Lab’s Sustainability working group, ‘The Sustainability Playbook’ is a tool to guide and assist industry professionals in making advertising more environmentally friendly.

Featuring comprehensive guidance for both buyers and sellers, the Playbook empowers participants in the digital advertising industry to proactively reduce the carbon emissions of their programmatic supply chains. It contains practical recommendations, as well as advice on how to utilise existing best practices that enable buyers and sellers in the advertising industry to minimise their environmental impact.

For the sell-side, the guide recommends limiting multi-hop resellers and cookie syncs, implementing a unique, persistent identifier for an ad unit on a page like Global Placement ID (gpid), using preferred paths, and others. Buyers are encouraged to reduce the level of bidding on duplicative requests using gpid, limit purchase of multi-hop impressions, support pod bidding, and leverage interoperable IDs where possible. 

You can find The Sustainability Playbook here.

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