When should you be scheduling your social posts?

The time and day you should post depends on the platform you're using.

As a marketer, you've probably experimented with different days and times for your social posts in a bid to ensure they are seen by as many people as possible.

Well, TrackMaven conducted a study between January and July 2016 which identified the best time and day for brands to post to their networks. By analysing 17.5 million social media posts from 17,737 brands across the globe from a range of industries, it was found that each platform is best used at a different time.

The results showed that on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, posts to social perform best at the end of the working day toward the latter end of the week. In contrast, posts on LinkedIn are much more successful at 9am in the middle of the week.

According to G/O Digital, knowing when to post is hugely important for brands, as its research shows that one in five social media users claim to be influenced by social media when it comes to making purchasing decisions. 


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