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Environmental Sustainability FAQs

With this tool, you can view and compare credentials of companies who are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the advertising industry. Understand the steps they are taking to measure and reduce their emissions, their energy use, the policies they have in place to reduce their carbon footprint and to engage and educate their teams, and what they have set out to achieve in the future.

If you are an IAB member and would like to be involved, please get in touch at [email protected]


Focus Agency Group

19/23 questions answered

Section 1 - About your company

Company name

Focus Agency Group Copy answer

Number of UK employees

50-249 Copy answer

Number of global employees

0-249 Copy answer

Company type

Other Copy answer

Person accountable for environmental sustainability

Ed Calderhead Copy answer

Section 2 – Your company’s energy usage

Category of emissions measured eg: scope 1,2,3

Don't know Copy answer

Reduction strategies in place for energy use

Focus Agency Group Limited is a marketing company based in Feering, Essex which specialises in both offline and online marketing.
Here at Focus, we believe that companies such as ourselves have a great responsibility towards protecting and preserving the environment in which we are based. We are committed to minimizing our impact upon the environment and creating long-term sustainability, alongside encouraging our partners and those we work with to do the same.
The main objective at Focus is to reduce the amount of waste produced and resourced by the business whilst exploring all avenues of waste reduction. Once this objective is in action, we aim to recycle 100% of the waste produced.

Policy Aims
Within our strategy, we endeavour to:
- Minimise waste by evaluating operations and improving efficiency
- Actively promote recycling internally and amongst partners, customers and suppliers
- Communicate the environmental policy to all staff and encourage their involvement
- Implement a training programme for staff to raise awareness of environmental issues
- Encourage more sustainable purchasing practices by purchasing environmentally responsible items wherever possible
- Encourage all Focus staff to become more environmentally aware at home
- Continuously review our environmental impact as well as ensuring that we are on course to achieve our strategic goals Copy answer

Environmental sustainability policies, schemes or initiatives in place

Everyday recycling, Tech recycling, Working from home Copy answer

Percentage of energy usage from renewable sources

31% - 40% (UK only) Copy answer

Can you verify your answer about renewable energy percentage by linking to a publicly available document?

- Copy answer

Carbon offsetting scheme used

Our DSP provider StackAdapt offer deals with Scope3 partners where the carbon from the deal is offset to create a sustainable and green marketplace, allowing advertisers to head towards net-zero, while achieving the same great performance. Copy answer

Amount of CO2E offset in 2022?

Zero, this is a new initiative we are looking at with clients. Copy answer

Environmental sustainability questions included in procurement activities

- Copy answer

Company's environmental sustainability objectives

- Copy answer

Section 3 - Industry initiatives

Industry certifications or initiatives

IAB UK Group Copy answer

Training or engagement programmes for employees

- Minimise waste by evaluating operations and improving efficiency
- Actively promote recycling internally and amongst partners, customers and suppliers
- Communicate the environmental policy to all staff and encourage their involvement
- Implement a training programme for staff to raise awareness of environmental issues
- Encourage more sustainable purchasing practices by purchasing environmentally responsible items wherever possible
- Encourage all Focus staff to become more environmentally aware at home
- Continuously review our environmental impact as well as ensuring that we are on course to achieve our strategic goals Copy answer