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Environmental Sustainability FAQs

With this tool, you can view and compare credentials of companies who are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the advertising industry. Understand the steps they are taking to measure and reduce their emissions, their energy use, the policies they have in place to reduce their carbon footprint and to engage and educate their teams, and what they have set out to achieve in the future.

If you are an IAB member and would like to be involved, please get in touch at [email protected]



21/23 questions answered

Section 1 - About your company

Company name

Global Copy answer

Number of UK employees

250+ Copy answer

Number of global employees

1,000+ Copy answer

Company type

Media Owner or Publisher Copy answer

Person accountable for environmental sustainability

Sophie Taylor Copy answer

Section 2 – Your company’s energy usage

Category of emissions measured eg: scope 1,2,3

Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 Copy answer

Reduction strategies in place for energy use

Global's warehouses are ISO 50001 accredited based on our exceptional energy management strategy.
Our commercial fleet all run using the latest, low-emission, energy efficient engines and 10% of our vans are fully electric. This has contributed to the shrinkage of our carbon footprint. In addition, Global has invested in telematics, which tells us about drivers with poor eco-driving habits (aggressive acceleration, speeding and heavy braking) which all add up to increased fuel usage. We have partnered with the Energy Savings Trust to provide eco-driver training and have addressed individual behaviours where necessary.
Global uses energy efficient LED lighting in our offices and warehouses, which has contributed to decreasing our carbon footprint. We also post reminders to switch off appliances and lights in our buildings and in others have introduced motion sensing lighting.
Global is switching off AM broadcast transmitters in favour of investment in DAB+, which is more energy efficient. We continue to adopt virtualisation and cloud computing technology, to reduce the number of physical servers in our IT infrastructure. Copy answer

Environmental sustainability policies, schemes or initiatives in place

Everyday recycling, Tech recycling, Single use plastics, Travel to work, Website hosting, Working from home Copy answer

Percentage of energy usage from renewable sources

91% - 100% (UK only) Copy answer

Can you verify your answer about renewable energy percentage by linking to a publicly available document?

View document Copy answer

Carbon offsetting scheme used

No Copy answer

Amount of CO2E offset in 2022?

- Copy answer

Environmental sustainability questions included in procurement activities

Yes Copy answer

Company's environmental sustainability objectives

Global is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 through the UN Race to Zero. As signatories to Ad Net Zero, Global has also committed to making a 90% reduction in its operational emissions, which includes Scopes 1 and 2, and parts of Scope 3 (Business Travel, Water, Paper, and Employee Commuting) by 2030. Copy answer

Section 3 - Industry initiatives

Industry certifications or initiatives

AdNet Zero, Tech Lab Green Supply Path , IAB UK Group, UN Race to Zero, ISO14001 Copy answer

Training or engagement programmes for employees

Global have a Green@Global committee engaging department leaders and inspiring them to take climate action within their teams. Global also has an open Green@Global Workplace group where members can share progress on environmental initiatives, news articles and sustainability trips and tricks. Global’s Environmental Initiatives Manager sends out a quarterly newsletter to summarise recent progress. Select senior leadership have been enrolled in Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership courses, the learnings of which have been shared in ‘Sustainability Sprint’ sessions afterwards with any interested employees. Copy answer