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Environmental Sustainability FAQs

With this tool, you can view and compare credentials of companies who are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the advertising industry. Understand the steps they are taking to measure and reduce their emissions, their energy use, the policies they have in place to reduce their carbon footprint and to engage and educate their teams, and what they have set out to achieve in the future.

If you are an IAB member and would like to be involved, please get in touch at [email protected]



18/23 questions answered

Section 1 - About your company

Company name

Impact+ Copy answer

Number of UK employees

1-9 Copy answer

Number of global employees

0-249 Copy answer

Company type

Ad Tech or Data Company Copy answer

Person accountable for environmental sustainability

Audrey Danthony Copy answer

Section 2 – Your company’s energy usage

Category of emissions measured eg: scope 1,2,3

Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 Copy answer

Reduction strategies in place for energy use

We have set specific objectives, which include:
- Enforcing a flexible remote work policy
- Limiting work travel wherever possible to favour online meetings, and using public transport (trains, buses) to attend in-person meetings, regardless of the distance

Targets In alignment with our goals, we have established the following specific targets:
- Conduct energy audits for all facilities each year starting 2022
- Monitor and report energy performance annually Copy answer

Environmental sustainability policies, schemes or initiatives in place

Business travel, Website hosting, Working from home Copy answer

Percentage of energy usage from renewable sources

- Copy answer

Can you verify your answer about renewable energy percentage by linking to a publicly available document?

- Copy answer

Carbon offsetting scheme used

As a company, we focus our efforts and resources on the reduction and limitation of emissions across all our operations. Copy answer

Amount of CO2E offset in 2022?

- Copy answer

Environmental sustainability questions included in procurement activities

Yes Copy answer

Company's environmental sustainability objectives

Our core mission is to help advertisers, agencies, adtech and adnetworks reduce their environmental impact, focusing first on carbon reduction. We focus not only on our own company operational sustainability, but also on how to help industry players to reduce their impact. We have also policies in place today which aim to help us minimise our 3 scopes emissions for our operations.​ Copy answer

Section 3 - Industry initiatives

Industry certifications or initiatives

AdNet Zero, Tech Lab Green Supply Path , IAB UK Group, IAB Europe Group Copy answer

Training or engagement programmes for employees

ClimateFresk Copy answer